Letter of Solidarity from Aachen Peace Award
Als Aachener Friedenspreis sind wir sehr besorgt um unsere Preisträger:innen aus Israel/Palästina und verurteilen den Angriff der Hamas auf Israel auf das Schärfste. Folgende Solidaritätsbekundung haben wir an die diesjährigen Preisträgerinnen von HRDF übermittelt:
Dear HRDF Awardees, dear Meisa, dear Omri,
We are deeply shocked by the terrible and inhuman attack by Hamas on Israel and the Israeli people. No injustice in this world justifies these cowardly attacks and the killing of many innocent people. We hope that you and your loved ones will come out of this war unscathed.
We have awarded you the Aachen Peace Prize this year because your work is very valuable for the people. Your work is threatened by difficult conditions. And it is to be feared that your work will become even more difficult in the coming months and years. But it will be all the more important.
We stand with you and hope for an early peace for the Palestinian and Israeli people. May both countries eventually live in peace, side by side and with each other.
With the best wishes for you, your families and friendsfrom the board of theAachen Peace Award